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Before starting the installation, ensure you have the following:

Required equipment

  • Multimeter: This versatile tool is essential for testing the electrical system before and after installation. You'll need it to measure voltage.

  • Wire strippers/cutters: This tool allows you to safely remove insulation from wires for proper connection.

  • Wire crimpers: Secure connections are crucial. Use crimpers to ensure a reliable connection for any additional wiring needed during installation.

  • Fuse holders and assorted ring terminals/butt connectors: These electrical components are required to connect the voltage regulator.

  • Zip ties and/or cable clips: These fasteners will help you secure the wiring harness at regular intervals along its length, preventing strain on the wires and connections and promoting a clean, organized installation.

  • Battery shunt: A battery shunt is highly recommended for a more precise charging system. It monitors the current flowing to and from battery bank, allowing the Altion voltage regulator to adjust the charging voltage based on the battery's state of charge and current needs. This can significantly improve battery life and overall system performance. By monitoring current flow, the shunt also provides valuable information about the battery's state of charge, helping you understand how much power you have available.

Optional equipment

Ferrules and ferrule crimper: If you plan to add or change wires going into the regulator, ferrules are critical for a secure connection into the device connectors. Ferrule barrels should be 8-10 mm in length. Most installations do not require this.